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Writer's pictureNicole Reitter

Italy is calling... and we must go!

Updated: Aug 5, 2019

This crumpled paper holds a bucket list I created 20+ years ago, when I was 27. I had “This Year”, “By 30” and “Lifetime” goals. I chuckle at my ambition in the “By 30” column—apparently in 3 short years I’d hoped to be fluent in Spanish or Italian, learn an instrument, write a book and live in Italy or Europe. While these dreams belong in the “Lifetime” section, I’m excited to share that 2, maybe 3, items may soon be checked off this list as Stephen, Caiden and I are moving to ITALY in 2 weeks!

How, what, when, where, why – you may wonder? To keep a long story short, Stephen and I were daydreaming of retirement about 5 years ago. We said it would be amazing to live ½ in Tahoe, ½ in Italy. This conversation evolved to ‘wouldn’t it be nice to experience Italy before we’re older/retirement age’, which lead to the conversation ‘wouldn’t it be super nice to move while Caiden is young— exposing him to a different culture, language, etc.’. We then got pretty hooked on the idea and began to take a hard look at our finances to see if we lived very modestly if we might be able to swing it. We decided that we could and then started to think about when it made sense to go and we targeted 2019. We didn’t want to move when Caiden was too young and wouldn’t appreciate or remember the experience, yet we didn’t want to move when he was too old and too entrenched in his friends and activities so now, age 10, was/is our chosen timeframe.

We didn’t have the luxury of being transferred abroad by a company where they take care of all the visa, moving, school, house and car rental details. We’ve had to stumble and muddle through every bit of this, but we’re certain it will all be worth it (should you wish to do the same, let me know—I can shed some serious light on this entire process).

In any case, we will be living just outside of Florence, in a small town where Caiden’s international school is. We’ve rented a wonderful two-bedroom place that is the guesthouse of an Italian villa.

Stephen and I are looking forward to so much— the day-to-day living in Italy; exploring this incredible country and, really, all of Europe; spending quality time with our family in Switzerland -- no longer will we be seeing them for a few days every few years. We cannot wait to see how this adventure impacts and changes Caiden, and we long for the day he starts rambling in Italian, chatting it up with a grocer or neighbor or classmate. We are excited to immerse ourselves in foreign culture and cuisine. We have big waves of nervousness for this bold move, but we’re absolutely confident in our decision.

Stephen has packed his art supplies and plans to paint and illustrate—pleasures he has no time to indulge in, ever. I plan to write, my deepest passion, and relish some idle time where I can just – gasp – read a book in the sunshine or spend more non-frenzied time with Caiden. I will take a language class and seek to be fluent in Italian, also. We both plan to go for a bike ride nearly every morning and savor a delicious cappuccino at the local cafe. Our town borders Tuscany and the wine regions so we’ll be exploring other delightful Italian beverages, too. :)

I’ve oftentimes wondered where my passion for Italy began and I’m sure it’s partially because of my heritage, but also because my Dad moved our family to San Marino, Italy, for 3 months when I was 14. I have strong memories of this. Since then, I’ve traveled to Italy more than any other place and I can honestly say, I love every part of this country. The food, the warmth and simplistic happiness of the people, the beauty and diversity of the various regions – it’s precisely where we want to be. Plus, sometimes, you’ve just got to throw the cards up and take a new direction, take a chance with your life.

I won’t go on much longer except to say that if you find yourself in Italy, please reach out—we’d love to see you! We’re all struggling a bit with leaving our friends, family, house and the comfort and familiarity of Truckee, but… ITALY is now calling, and we must go!

Also, I will be blogging about our experiences here, if you wish to follow our travels.

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1 Comment

Jul 30, 2019

My dear Nicole, I have become enamored with your family and with your dreams of Italy. Even knowing this would eventually happen, I’m slightly jealous, but mostly full of admiration to watch you and Steffen fulfill that dream. I will come visit you once you get settled, since that’s now on MY bucket list.

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