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Writer's pictureNicole Reitter

We eat (noi mangiamo)!

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

I have a girlfriend who’s been my secret rock when I’d first debated coming back to Italy, all the way through finally taking the plunge. I was SO nervous given how funky the world is & despite having all proper & legal credentials to return, I worried we’d be denied. She’s given me endless support & reminded me I could do this— even on my own — & that I’m showing my son what strength & courage a woman/mother can have....

Esselunga grocery delivery truck in Florence Italy
Can you see the halo & angel wings on this truck?

A-1 task upon returning to Firenze was figuring out how Caiden & I would EAT during our 14-day self quarantine (small detail). We really don't know anyone well enough to say hey, would you mind grabbing these 37 things on my shopping list & delivering them to my home?? Well folks, I’m proud to share that I established a grocery home delivery account with Esselunga, a large local market, & today our first order successfully arrived! This, when I’ve never even done home delivery in the US & when the website was all in Italian.

I also chatted with my sweet, spitfire landlady (Giovanna) for 15 minutes today— she speaks not one word of English & talks head-spinningly fast. I think I picked up 1 out of 4 words, but enough to get the gist of each conversation topic. I was even able to tell her some things going on in my/our life (surely sorely botching the Italian language & at the speaking level of a 4 year-old).

If you follow my blog, you know I have a particular fondness, ok downright endearment, for our landlady & her family (aka "our special Italian friends"). These people are, quite possibly, the kindest, most welcoming & generous people I have ever known. Beyond that, I've recently realized Giovanna is a hybrid of my mother & Grandma. An itty-bitty, smart, savvy, spunky & lovely Italian woman (Grandma) with a warmth & LOVE of people/talking to people/getting to know people while also being a true lady workhorse (my Mom). For the year I've known Giovanna I've felt such an exceptional affection & kinship for her & I light up every time I have an opportunity to talk with her.

Groceries from grocery delivery
Our loot!

Basta per oggi-- that's enough for today, but self quarantine day 5 is complete & was quite the banner day. A domani...

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